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聚焦于为中国用户提供优质服务 | 荷兰 DENSsolutions 与复纳科技联合声明

 更新时间:2023-08-31 点击量:1004

自从 2023 年 4 月 2 日起,DENSsolutions 与复纳科学仪器(上海)有限公司建立起商业合作伙伴关系,我们始终怀着诚挚的心意,竭诚致力于为您带来优质的服务体验。


DENSsolutions B.V. & 复纳科学仪器(上海)有限公司联合声明

Joint Statement of DENSsolutions B.V. & Funa Scientific Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd


To our esteemed customers, partners, and colleagues,

复纳科学仪器(上海)有限公司自 2023 年 4 月 2 日起正式成为 DENSsolutions B.V. 在中国市场的全新商业合作伙伴,全权负责 DENSsolutions B.V. 原位 TEM/SEM 全系列产品在中国市场的售前、售中、售后支持与服务工作。

Since April 2, 2023, Funa Scientific Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has officially become the exclusive business partner of DENSsolutions B.V. in the Chinese market. We are fully responsible for the pre-sales, sales, and after-sales support and service for the complete range of DENSsolutions B.V. for in-situ TEM/SEM products in the Chinese market.

我们衷心感谢 DENSsolutions B.V. 和其前代理商伙伴们在 2023 年 4 月 1 日前为中国市场所做出的贡献。同时,我们希望复纳科学仪器(上海)有限公司与 DENSsolutions B.V. 能够以全新的合作模式为您带来优异的体验和服务。为了更好地为您提供支持,我们诚挚地邀请您在今后的合作中,无论是售前咨询、售后服务或者任何与 DENSsolutions B.V. 产品相关的业务,请直接联系复纳复纳科学仪器(上海)有限公司。我们的专业团队将会随时倾听您的需求,为您提供最及时、有效的帮助。

We would like to express our sincere thanks to DENSsolutions B.V. and its former distributor partners for their contribution to the Chinese market until April 1, 2023. At the same time, we hope that Funa Scientific Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and DENSsolutions B.V. can bring you a new level of experience and service through a fresh collaborative approach. In order to provide you with comprehensive support, we warmly invite you to contact Funa Scientific Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. directly for any pre-sales inquiries, after-sales service, or any business related to DENSsolutions B.V. products in the future. Our professional team will be ready to listen to your needs and provide you with the most timely and expert assistance.

自 DENSsolutions B.V. 与复纳科学仪器(上海)有限公司建立合作伙伴关系以来,我们始终秉持专业与真诚,为中国市场带来了一系列积极的变革举措:我们重新制定了芯片等耗材配件的定价策略,以确保其与全球市场价格保持一致;我们为每一位客户建立专属服务群,以加强售后服务保障;我们积极参与多个行业展会,共同推动原位技术的发展;我们组织了Stream液相杆用户培训会,旨在帮助用户更好地运用原位液相系统;同时,我们建立了公众号(DENSsolutions)和网站,以更好地传递品牌和产品相关信息。我们将继续携手前行,为客户提供所需的解决方案,为原位技术的发展贡献我们的一份力量。

Since the establishment of the partnership between DENSsolutions B.V. and Funa Scientific Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, we have brought a series of positive changes to the Chinese market with our professionalism and sincerity--we have redefined the pricing strategy for Nano-Chips and other consumables to ensure that it is in line with the global market price.; we have established a dedicated service group for each customer to strengthen after-sales service; we have actively participated in several industry exhibitions to promote the development of in-situ technology; we have organized user training of Stream System to help users better utilize the in-situ liquid system; and we have set up an official public account (DENSsolutions) and an official website to better communicate the brand and product-related information. We will continue to work together to provide excellent solutions for our customers and contribute to the development of in-situ technology.

最后诚挚地邀请您关注 DENSsolutions 微信公众号,我们将为用户提供产品资料、用户培训、Webinar、文献解读、活动预告、新闻资讯等多方面的内容,同时相关信息也将同步到复纳科技网站,欢迎您随时访问网站或者联系我们获取更多详情信息。

Finally, we sincerely invite you to subscribe DENSsolutions official public account. We will provide product information, user training, Webinars, literature interpretation, exhibition activities, news, and other aspects of the content, and related information will also be synchronized to the official website of Funa Scientific. Please feel free to visit the website or contact us for more detailed information.


The contact information for Funa Scientific Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is as follows:

地址:上海市闵行区申滨路 88 号虹桥丽宝广场 705 室

Address: Room 705, Hongqiao Libao Plaza, 88 Shenbin Road, Minhang District, Shanghai.




此外,我们非常荣幸地向您介绍我们的全新产品 - Arctic 原位冷冻样品杆。作为我们持续创新的成果之一,Arctic 原位冷冻样品杆将为您的实验研究带来更多的可能性。其全新的低温冷冻技术和高度精准的控制能力,将助力您在原位实验中探索更深层次的知识。


邮箱:[email protected]

地址:上海市闵行区虹桥镇申滨路 88 号上海虹桥丽宝广场 T5,705 室

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